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Master the Shadows: Epic Shadow Fight 2 Sets Revealed!

Shadow Fight 2 Sets

Shadow Fight 2 boasts a plethora of sets, each a treasure chest brimming with gear to boost your fighting prowess. Whether it’s sturdy armor, devastating ranged weapons, mystical magic, or mighty helms, these sets offer a diverse arsenal to personalize your combat style. And, the crown jewel in each set is the special weapons, a game-changer with the potential to dominate the battlefield.

This guide delves into the world of Shadow Fight 2 sets, including those released for special events like Halloween, Christmas, and New Year’s celebrations since 2014. Each set breakdown highlights the unique gear and the game-changing special weapon, empowering you to make informed choices as you forge your path to fighting glory.

So, dust off your shurikens, sharpen your katanas get some tips, and prepare to explore the exciting world of Shadow Fight 2 sets!

Content to Explore

Set of Monk

Playing the raid and ending on the first five positions will ensure that you will win the monks’ Set in Shadow Fight 2. The Random person from the 5 people will get a monk Set. Further Chest Chest of the Forest gives you a chance to buy it with 329 Gems or 7500 Shards. Read the article to know more.



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Monk’s Katars


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Monk’s Helm


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Monks Robe

Ranged Weapons

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Monk’s Shuriken


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Monks Amulet

Set of Sentinal

The Sentinal Set in Shadow Fight 2 is also important for fighting Butcher.It can be bought for 10000 shards or 599 gems from the Raid Shop. Typhon of spirit activates when you have all set in your hands. But, the purchase will only give you a single item.



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Sentinel’s Hand


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Sentinel’s Conical Helmet


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Sentinel’s Hand

Ranged Weapons

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Sentinel’s Blades


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Sentinel’s Spirit

Warlock Set

Halloween 2021 season is a way to get Warlock Set in Shadow Fight 2. Regular passes will only give you 2 of 5 items, and the remaining 3 are obtainable with a VIP pass.
One of the VIP rewards is Shepherd Staff from the Warlock Set. It could be obtained after level 3. Crimson corruption will be activated when you have all items of Warlock Set.

Special Power:- Super Slash



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Shepherd’s Staff


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Face of Tragedy


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Evening Sunset

Ranged Weapons

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Morning Star


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Sloe Thorn

Forest Guardian’s Set

The New Year Battle Pass of 2022 update will award you with Forest Guardian’s Set in Shadow Fight 2. Like Warlock, here also 2 items regular pass will only give you 2 of 5, and the remaining 3 are obtainable with a VIP pass.
One of the Vip rewards earned during Christmas 2022 is Beast Fury. It could be obtained after level 3.Icy Resistance will be activated when you have all items of the Forest Guardian Set.



Range of indra image

Range of Indra


Crown of Kali Image

Crown of Kali


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Ranged Weapons

Sky Shard image

Sky shard


Kundalini image


Skanda’s Set

Indian Battle Pass will award you with Forest Guardian’s Set in Shadow Fight 2 during the Bohug Bihu 2022 update. Two items regular pass will only give you 2 of 5, and the remaining 3 are obtainable with a VIP pass. One of the VIP rewards earned during the Bihu Festival is Kundalini. It could be obtained after level 3. Karma will be activated when you have all items of Skanda’s Set.

Special Power :- It will give the enemy 50 Damage



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Rage of Indra


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Ranged Weapons

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Marten’s Bite


Death Grip image

Death Grip

Creator of the Winds Set

Battle Pass will award you with Creator of the Winds Set in Shadow Fight 2 during the Independence Day update. Two items regular pass will only give you 2 of 5, and the remaining 3 are obtainable with a VIP pass. One of the VIP rewards earned during the American Independence Day event 2022 is Eye of the Storm. Squall will be activated when you have all items of the Creator of the Winds Set.

Special Power:- Sugar Flash gives damage of 55



Wolfs Grin Image

Wolf’s Grin


Furious Bull Image

Furious Bull


Shaman's Whisper Image

Shaman’s Whisper

Ranged Weapons

Tears of the wind Image

Tears of the Wind


Eye of the Storm Image

Death Grip

Director Set

Battle Pass will award you with a Director Set in Shadow Fight 2 during the Halloween 2022 update. Two items regular pass will only give you 2 of 5, and the remaining 3 are obtainable with a VIP pass. One of the VIP rewards earned during the Halloween 2022 update is Don’t Cross the Director. Plot Twist will be activated when you have all items of the Director Set. It could be obtained after level 3.

Special Power:- Works with Medium Range and has high Damage.



Don't cross the Director Image

Don’t cross the director!


Lights camera action image

Lights, camera, action!


Fourth Wall image

Shaman’s Whisper

Ranged Weapons

Film Damage Image

Tears of the Wind


Smoke and Mirrors Image

Smoke and Mirrors

Chronous Set

Battle Pass will award you with a Chronos Set in Shadow Fight 2 during the New Year 2023 update. Two items regular pass will only give you 2 of 5, and the remaining 3 are obtainable with a VIP pass. One of the VIP rewards earned during the New Year event 2023 is Continuum. It could be obtained after level 3 and can throw spiky ice balls.

Special Power:- Done Damage of 45 when hit by the enemy.



Snowpiercer Imager



Stonecold Image



Biting Frost Image

Biting Frost

Ranged Weapons

Chronos's Razor Image

Chronos’s Razor


Continuum Image


Neo-Wanderer Set

Chest of Neo Wanderer will award you with Neo Wanderer. Buying Chest of Neo-Wanderer for 8500 shards or 399 gems from raid shop. Arcane Martial Art will be activated when you have all items of the Neo-Wanderer Set. One of the VIP awards is Neutron Howl, which is obtainable for you after level 3.

Special Power :- This one-handed sword is capable of Slashing.



Neutron Howl Image

Neutron Howl


Solar Corona Image

Solar Corona


Electrostatic Image


Ranged Weapons

Photons Image



Quantum Leap Image

Quantum Leap

Halloween 2014 Set

Despite buying it for a few gems, the update of 2014 made this set available. At level 12, you can buy a Grim scythe, but it was available long ago.



BroomStick Image

Grim Scythe

Grim Scythe Image

Pumpkin Head

Pumpkin Head Image

Witch Hat

Witch Hat Image

Wicked Veil

Wicked Veil Image

Halloween 2015 Set

  • The major parts of the set can be achieved by defeating Lilith
  • the rest are available in Mysterious Chest.
  • Bloodrage can be easily used with Devils Broom
  • Damage Absorption can be easily used with an Obsessed Pumpkin.
  • Overheat can be easily used with Flame Skulls
  • Price 35 Gems


Obsessed Pumpkin
flame skull
Mist Cloak
Blade of Death
Witch Hat

Halloween 2016 Set

Enjoying the perks of Spider Chest with gems was one option. But Halloween 2016 also made it available to you. One of the key weapons was Pain and Panic. This special weapon can be obtained by defeating Morgana or by spending 149 gems for Spider Chest. The level required for it was 17. Pumpkin of Madness and Nightmare could activate magic Recharge. At the same time, the Dissector of Hope makes the bleeding.
Special power:- the capability of attacking 392 and works with bleeding enchantment.

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  • Director of Hope
  • Nightmare Hat
  • Spider King Coat
  • Pain and Panic
  • Pumpkin of Madness
  • Demon’s Wing

Halloween 2017 and 2020 Set

One of the special weapons that you could have by purchasing Mystical Chest. You can buy it for 250 bones that you could get by defeating WHisper.This bird skull-like sharp Stick could also be bought for 199 gems. You could get it after Level 5.


Voodoo SpineActivate Magic Recharge
Grim Baron’s CoatActivate Shielding
Voodoo VestDamage Return activated
Dark Blood MagicActivate Bleeding
Baroness CylinderDamage Return activated
The face of the Grim BaronRegeneration Activated
Cursed PinsActivate Frenzy
Death’s JawActivate Bleeding
Items List

Halloween 2019 Set

Halloween 19 removebg preview 1

Halloween 2019 is special because of Countess. She has to be defeated in 9 minutes by 4 players and has 14213 points. The Chest of Nightmare could get this set.
Buy :- 19 gems or 350 Raven Tokens.

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Blade of Eternal PainActivate poisoning
Grim MantleActivate Regeneration
Feist VegetableActivate Regeneration
Claws of Winged DarknessMagic Recharge
Ghost CapDamage return Activated
Harbinger of MadnessActivates Precision
Items List

Christmas 2014 Set

Buying Christmas Set for few gems is available. Further is this update defeating festivus will reward you with Candy Canes.


BroomStick Image
Grim Scythe Image
C 14 3 removebg preview
  • Winter Cheer
  • Icy Loaf
  • Antlered Companions
  • Frozen Spheres
  • Candy Canes

Christmas 2015 Set

This Set was in update of Christmas 2015.The way to get this set is Chest and Chest could be obtained by either coins, tickets or shadow orb or you have defeat Festivus.
Price :- Buy chest for 15 Gems


  • Frosty Breastplate :- Activate Rejuvenation
  • Antlers of the Woodland Spirit: Enhanced with Overheat Enchantment
  • Caramel Shuang Gou :- Activate Life steal
  • Snow Charge :- Enchanted with Stun
  • Festive Visage: Enable Damage Absorption

Christmas 2016 Collection

This collection was featured in the Christmas Update of 2016 and can be acquired using crystals from the Chest.

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Jingle Spruce TwirlTriggers Enfeeble
Winter Breath VestInitiates Regeneration
Gingerbread DelightsInfused with Time Bomb enchantment
Holiday Trophy Enhanced with Damage Return enchantment
Eternal Ice ShardInduces Blood Rage
Frosty LoafGrants the power of Regeneration
Candy RageEnchant with Stun
Items List

New Year 2018 and 2019 and 2021 Set

Mint coins or the Gems alone is important for you in this update and you can get that by defeating Candy. By those you can buy Gingerbread Chest. One of the special Weapon that you can get is Surprise waffles. You can get that after level 5.ginger chest can be got for 199 gems or 250 coins of new year. You become eligible for getting for Surprise waffle by either defeating freeze or by by Gingerbread Chest.

Caramel BurstInitiates Poisoning
Frosty Fruit IcicleProvides Magic Recharge
Fur Ear FlapEnchant with Critical Protection
Padded JacketActivates Shielding
Luscious DoughnutTriggers Poisoning
Surprise WafflesEnchant with Stun
Frost CrownInitiates Regeneration
Prisoned BlizzardEnchant with Blood rage
Fluffy SnowflakesEnchant with Blood rage
Sweet CuirassActivates Regeneration
Sugar FlashEnchant with Stun

Fatum’s Artifacts

Valentine’s Day of 2017 brings Fatum artifacts. You can get it in the Ruby Treasure Chest, which you can get with ruby coins or gems. At first, Ruby coins are hard to get, but the first place in raid bosses will give you those.

Price:- By 219 Gems or 4000 Ruby, you can buy it


FateMaker Image



Helm of Inspiration Image

Helm of Inspiration


Poetic Mantle Image

Poetic Mantle

Ranged Weapons

Broken Hearts Image

Broken Hearts


Fans Of Passion Image

Fans of Passion

Fans of PassionActivates Poisoning
Broken HeartsActivates Precision
Fate makerGives Enfeeble
Vermeil FangsEnchanted with Magics
Poetic MantleAbsorb Damage
Helm of InspirationRegeneration Enchantment

Valentine’s Set

The Way to get a Valentine’s Set is a Dragons Chest. You should have either 250 Love Coins or 149 Gems to buy it. Love Coins could be collected in Dojo. One of the special weapons that you could get is Panda Cuddles. You can get it after level 5. This special weapon has more than 1000 attacking power.


Game Fans Hoodie

Game Fan Hoody Image

Panda Cuddles

Panda Cuddles Image

Adorable Panda

Adorable Panda Image
Game Fans HoodieEnchanted with regeneration
Panda CuddlesActivates Overheat
Adorable PandaGives you Magic Recharge
LIST of valentine Set

Chinese New Year Set

Chinese New Year is celebrated with the arrival of the “Son of Heaven” from above. It is necessary to defeat this raid boss in nine minutes and thirty seconds. To obtain this new year’s set, you had to have a dragon chest.


Chinese Dragon StaffAward you overheat
Victorious JianEnchanted With Time Bomb
Festive FansEnchanted With Poisoning
Burning Battle CitrusActivates bleeding power
Helmet of FerocityActivates Regeneration
Hat of Generous GiftActivates Frenzy
Armor of MajestyActivates Damage Absorption
Dragon ScaleActivates Damage Absorption
List of Chinese New Year Set

Ram Navani 2021 Set

You to earn Flower coins by defeating Ravana in 9 minutes and 30 Seconds. This Raid Boss of Capable devastating Earth Qaukes.Flower coins can be utilized to win the Casket of Elephant King. This Casket can be purchased for 199 gems or with 600 coins.


Festive Hoody

Festive Hoody Image

Krises of Intercessor

Krises of an Intercessor Image

Helm of Heaven Keeper

Helm of Heaven Keeper Image

Festive Turban

Festive Turban Image

Blade of the Dawn

Blade of the Dawn Image

Helm of Heaven Keeper

Demon Slayer Image
Demon SlayerEnchanted With Frenzy
Festive HoodyDamaging power Increase
Krises of IntercessorEnchant with OverHeat
Helm of Heaven KeeperPower Of Regeneration
Festive TurbanEnchanted with Rejuvenation
Blade of the DawnMake your Attacks more precise
Unbreakable Gift of GodsActivates Shielding
List of Ram Navani 2021 Set

Independence Day Set

Casket Of Ancestors could be bought with features that will give you Independence Day Set. You can get features and many other rewards by defeating Adanti, who is the raid boss here.

Independence Day Set Image


  • Hand of Prairie
  • Robe of Courage
  • Sachem’s Roach
  • Spirit’s Wrath
  • Chieftain’s Tomahawk

Summer Set

Buy Treasurey of Chest for 219 Gems or 600 Shells. Shells can be earned by defeating De Freeze.

Unyielding Face of Winter

Unyielding Face of Winter Image


BreakWaters Image

Jacket of Icy Tenancy

Jacket of Icy Tenacity Image

Unyielding Face of Winter

Beach Punisher Image

Treasury of Cold

Treasury of Cold Image
  • Conqueror of the Sea
  • Beach Punisher

Set Of Capra



Silver Spear Image

Silver Spear


Dreadening Mask Image

Dreadening Mask


Aegis of Winds Image

Aegis of Winds

Ranged Weapons

Assassin's Daggers Image

Assassin’s Daggers


Lightening Arrow Image

Lightening Arrow

Year 2024 Set



Fury of Austerlitz Image

Fury of Austerlitz


Grenadier's Shako Image

Grenadier’s Shako


Berserk's Legacy Image

Berserk’s Legacy

Ranged Weapons

Hel's Kiss Image

Hel’s Kiss


Cold Fusion Image

Cold Fusion

Cyber Dragon Set


Matter Splitter

Matter Spliter Image

Dragon’s Thirst

Dragon's Thirst Image

Isotope Reactor

Isotope Reactor Image

Revival Set


Revival' s Hand Image

Revival’ s Hand


Revival s Helmet removebg preview

Revival’s Helmet


Revival's Armor Image

Revival’s Armor

Ranged Weapons

Revival's Blade Image

Revival’s Blade


Revival's Amulet Image

Revival’s Amulet

Final Verdict

We have discussed every possible set that you could get in shadow fight. The number of gems needed for each Shadow Fight 2 sets is also mentioned, as at which date and level it was available to you. The perks that you could get with each of the Shadow Fight 2 sets were also mentioned. It will help you to plan your battle, keeping in mind how the specific perk could assist you. With Every Set, there is a special weapon that is like 90% worth it among all the equipment of that set. The special weapon could be used to change the tide of battle. So Enjoy each Set in Shadow Fight 2.


Halloween sets are the best sets in Shadow Fight 2. Because its theme, pricing, and each equipment design, and, most importantly, special weapon are what make it different.

The two ways of getting Sentinel set is either paying 599 gems or 7000 shards.

There are three ways of opening Mystery Box
1-Watching few advertisements and in return you get rewarded with a mystery box, but it is time-consuming.
2-By Mythical Coupon at the end of the season
3-Having gems will allow you to open 5 boxes in a row

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