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Unlock the Secrets of Shadow Fight 3 Chests

Shadow Fight 3 chest


In the exciting game, the chest plays an important role in your fighting Journey. You can win huge rewards and treats just by completing daily quests or winning Duel Matches. These keys can give you an edge in your fights by rewarding you with weapons, skins, armor and many more. There are 4 cards in which you can get shadow energy, currency, items, special moves, random rarity or any perk. A complete explanation of Shadow Fight 3 chest, including its type, use, and rewards, will be presented in this article.

Types of Chest

There are three types of Chests

  • Duel Chest
  • Quest Chest
  • Void Chests

Duel Chests

When you win some number of duel rounds, you will be awarded a Duel Chest. You can get it after every 6 hours.

Rare Chest

  • Rounds:4
    Consist of:
    • All are common except 1.
    • 1 bonus card
    • Some gold
Rare Chest Image

Epic Chest

  • Round:4
    Consist of :
    • 4 items in total. Of 4 are confirmed Epic, and the rest are Rare confirmed
    • Some Gold
    • 1 bonus Card
Epic Chest Image

Giant Chest

  • Round:5
    Consist of
    • 8 Items: 7 of them are Common, and 1 is rare.
    • Some Gold
    • 1 Bonus Card
Giant Chest Image

Shadow Chest

  • Round:5
    Consist of
    • 100 Shadow Energy
    • Some Gold
    • 10 Epic Keys
    • 1 bonus Card
Shadow Chest Image

Rare Giant Chest

  • Round:6
    Consist of
    • 10 items,6 Cards are Common and the rest are Rare.
    • 1 Bonus Card
    • some Gold
Rare Giant Chest Image

Legendary Chest

  • Round:6
    Consist of
    • 4 Items in total. One card is confirmed Legendary and the rest are confirmed Epic.
    • Some Gold
    • 1 Bonus Card
Legendary Chest Image

Golden Chest

  • Round:6
    Consist of
    • 20 rare keys
    • some gold
    • 1 bonus card
    • 10 epic Keys
    • 5 Legendary Keys
Golden Chest Image

Rare Archive Chest

  • Round: 4
    Consist of
    • 4 items in total., 3 of 4 are common, and 1 is rare.
    • 1 bonus card
    • Some Gold
Rare Archive Chest Image

Epic Archive Chest

  • Round: 5
    Consist of
    • 4 items in Total.3 of 4 cards are Rare, and 1 is Epic.
    • 1 bonus Card
    • some Gold
Epic Achieve Chest Image

Legendary Archive Chest

  • Round: 6
    Consist of
    • 4 items in total.3 of 4 cards are Epic, and 1 is legendary.
    • 1 bonus card
    • Some Gold
Legendary Archive Chest Image

Quest Chests

you have to Collect at least 30 keys in order to open the Quest chest. The other way of opening is spending Some Gems.

Rare Quest Chest

Consist of

  • 4 items in total: 3 of 4 cards are common, and 1 is Rare.
  • some Gold
  • 1 bonus Card.
  • Bit of shadow Energy with a random amount.
Rare Quest Chest Image

Epic Quest Chest

Consist of

  • 4 items in total.3 of the 4 cards are Rare and 1 is epic.
  • some gold
  • 1 bonus card
Epic Quest Chest Image

Legendary Quest Chest

Consist of

  • 4 items in total.3 of the 4 cards are epic, and 1 is legendary.
  • some quantity of Gold.
  • a bit of shadow Energy with a random amount.
Legendary Quest Chest Image


There are three ways of getting Keys. From Golden Chest, daily Quests and from the store. They are further classified into 3 categories.


Epic Keys Image

you can get a rare quest chest with these keys.


Rare Keys Image

you can get an Epic quest chest with these keys.


Legendary Keys Image

you can get a Legendary quest chest with these keys.

Void Chests

You come eligible for opening a void Chest if you get a specific number of void keys that are required for it. You would not be awarded with a Chest set just after spending gems.

Void Chest (I)

Void Chest 1 Image

you would need 30 void keys to unlock void Chest 1.

It contains:

  • 17 Chrysonite
  • 5 Magmium
  • 20 Umbracite
  • Perk (25% drop chance)
  • Special Moves (50% drop chance)

Void Chests (II)

Void Chest 1 Image

you would need 100 void keys to unlock void Chest 2.

It contains:

  • 20 Magmium
  • 80 Umbracite
  • Special Moves (50% drop chance)
  • 3 random Elixirs/Grenades
  • Perk (25% drop chance)
  • 80 Chrysonite

Special Chests

When you participate in Special Events, these special Chests appear.

Lunar Chest

Lunar Chest Image

When you play Lunar Tournament and duel in it, you get a chance to get this special Chest that it improved and a Rare version of Rare Chest. The player gets not only lunar tokens but also some usual Rewards that you can later utilize for many purchases.

Consist of :

  • 4 Items in Total with an additional two rare cards, special moves and Perks.
  • When you spend 32 gems, you get 8 hours

Spring Chest

Spring Chest Image

The Blossom Festival gives you a chance to get Spring Chest, which is a special and improved version of Rare Chest. Further, you can use the trophies won you as a reward for making many purchases, like the Steel Sakura Set.

Consist of :

  • 4 Items in Total. Half of the cards are confirmed Rare.
  • When you spend 32 gems, you get 8 hours

Chest Types

There are several types of Shadow Fight 3 chests, each of which has unique characteristics and rewards you accordingly.

At the start, players have common chest types like Silver chest, golden Chest, and Wooden Chest. But later, they get a most rewarding chest that makes the Game more interesting, like the Epic chest, legendary Chest, and Rare Chest.

  • Wooden Chest: At the early stages, you would need some confidence, so a Humble wooden chest provides you with basic rewards like basic equipment, some coins, and a few important Resources.
  • Silver Chest:- They are better at rewarding as compared to wooden Chest because they give you more coins, better equipment, and some rare items as well.
  • Gold chest:- It is the most rewarding than wooden and Silver. In fact, most players desire a Gold chest because it gives advanced Armor, a huge sum of Money, and powerful weapons like flying jade, storm hammers, etc.
  • Epic Chest:- These Chests are popular for their extraordinary awards like exclusive weapons like Double Scimitars, Special Moves, and sometimes bonus rewards.
  • Legendary Chest:- The end limit of rewards that comes in your favor will be from Legendary Chests. They have Leganar Armors sets, A game-changing upgrade, and the rarest weapons of the Game.

What are Possible Rewards

There is a huge list of awards that you can expect from Chest. Depending on the Chest like, whether it is a common one or legendary one, reward chances. But some common ones are listed below:


It allows players to buy any item they want from in-game shops like skins, Armor, etc.


Chest gives you a range of weapons that help you make more impact in battles and damage your enemy.


From basic to legendary gear, Armor can be collected from the Chest that you can use to defend against the enemy.

Special Moves

In Chest, you can also get special moves that add to your battle strategy and help you dominate in Fights.


Additional Resources earned could help you upgrade cards, skins, equipment, crafting material, upgrading material, and many more.


You can earn a sum of gems that you can utilize to Purchase items from the game store.


features like improved drop rates, increased damage to the opponent, and increased experience points help you and give you an edge over your opponent.

How to Unlock More Chest?

You can boost the collection of the chests in Shadow Fight 3 if you have gems with you. You can also earn a regular reward of chests in the game, but getting more chests gives you more control in the game. So, the shortcut here is to get more gems from in-game store. These Gems can be untied to open the chest quickly, avoiding unnecessary waiting.

How to manage Chest collection

Chest management becomes a point of consideration if you have too many options and you have to progress in the long term in the game.

Event Participation

In order to take advantage of the unique and enhanced rewards of events, you should always be ready to capitalize on the additional benefits and make an impact in-game.

Resources Management

Managing your consumables, energy, and other in-game resources is important. These are essential in upgrading materials, cards, weapons, and other in-game resources.

Strategic Currency Usage

When you get money from Chests, be mindful of its usage. Save it for crucial parts of the storyline, like limited-time offers, special promotions, events, etc. Efficient use of a sum of money from a set makes you ahead of your enemy.

PvP Rankings

playing more player versus-player battles helps you to get more rewards, and further, you could attain competitive awards, including different Chest having rare Equipment

Daily challenges

to progress more efficiently in the game, you have to regularly do challenges because they reward you with Chest and resources. By focusing on this task, you can efficiently maintain a constant flow of rewards to your side.

Balancing Chest types

If you keep on focusing and opening the same type of Chest, then you get the same awards repeated. Maintaining a balance in opening different types of Chests gives you a variety of rewards.

Continuous Learning

Consequently, having knowledge about game updates and being well prepared before any changes helps you to manage your utilization of Chest Accordingly.

Right Timing

Understanding the right time for opening the Chest is important. When you really need them, like during events or when the chances of reward are higher, it is the right time for opening.

Community Involvement

Engaging in-game communities, forums, social media platforms, or Discord channels and then sharing your thoughts with everyone and getting their tips could improve your chest management skills.

How to open the legendary Chest

  • First, you need either Time or Gems to Farm the Legendary Chest
  • Lose your trophies until 1540-1555(Dan 4)
  • Then, Win 2 Games
  • When you have already had 2 Wins, now open a chest and let a chest place for the next Chest. A Legendary Chest is right around the corner so don’t miss out!!!
  • If you are good enough, you can try it with dan 5(2140-2155) to dan6.
  • Some time it works for Other dans (2-3,3-4).
  • If you haven’t got the legendary Chest, you should Try it again and again.

For getting free codes

Possibilities of Awards

Awards 1
What to Expect removebg preview


Shadow Fight 3 Chests gives an edge to you so that you can make an impact in your gameplay. It also helps you to get through your game in all aspects, like upgrading weapons, getting gems and Money, etc. By understanding all Shadow Fight 3 chests, you can know the thing that could be the possible reward of any specific chest.

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