how to defeat shogun in shadow fight 2 14 1

shadow fight 4 characters

how to defeat shogun in shadow fight 2 14


Shadow Fight Arena is popular because of its range of characters in it. The battles have characters that have their styles, unique skills and weapons to attack with. This article will cover all character’s skills, abilities, and weaknesses and how to use them effectively to attack the enemy, whether it is in 3v3 battles or 1v1, you will be able to choose the best character according to your opponent, and at the end, you probably will be choosing a character that you thought to be useless.

Shadow Fight Arena Characters List


Distinctive SkillsetUncommonCategoryDifficulty 
HelgaAccessing the Light’s Strength
Shield of Light Smite power sword
Rare Legion Easy Being a nightmare for the opponent who uses shadow Energy. Helga combines attacks with combos, and the shining wings are not escapable.Arena 3
SargeShadow Squad Leader
Classic Uncommon Troop
Old School 


Normal The ability to build shadow energy quickly is a clear threat to the enemy. Further, a Hammer strike will help you squash opponents.Arena 3

YukkaExposed Injuries
Rare Opportunity for Shade’s Rotation

Dynasty EasyAttacking with a guillotine makes more impact on the opponent. Further, to attack them you can call for shade on them.Arena V: Void Room
Jack BulwarkBone Fracture
Shadow Fortress 


Legion Hard As soon the opponent enters shadow form, attack them as make fracture. Further, for defense, it activates Shadow Fortress’s ability to make unbreakable walls around you.Arena 1
LingLing’s Potion
crushing strength
Slashing Strike


Easy Ling attacks are easy to learn. Using his slashing strike, the third attack will be critical and enough to end the Opponent.Default
ShangExpert in Shadow Energy
Mind of Shadows
Shadow Protection


Dynasty Normal Making a distant attack is a way to go because of its long reach. Then use one of the 4 abilities, like getting in shadow form or pushing enemies back with a projectile ability.Default
IroncladIronclad with Unyielding Tenacity
Notable Resilience

Legion Easy Get closer to the enemy as he is skilled in short-range attacks. So, making focused attacks is important.
KiboShadow Onslaught


Legion Normal Making a decent distance between your Opponent will make your attack accurate, and you can even prevent losing your energy.Arena 1
MarcusGlitch ability
unpredictable attacks


Legion Normal Marcus starts with slow movements, but he becomes deadly with glitch ability.SO, the key is to dominate the opponent with attacks.Completing the referral 
Hong-JooBlazing Bite
versatile Attacks
Triumph Anticipation


Dynasty Normal Knocking back opponents with the help of firework’s attacks and triumph abilitiesArena 1
AzumaConsequence Management 


Heralds Hard Once the opponent enters shadow Form, end him with an impactful attack. For a higher aim, use a long-range weapon, as Azuma is skilled in it.Arena IV: Marcus’ Village
JetShadow Harmony 
impressive skills


Hard Being a master to defeat by single strategy. At first, the jet seems weak, but as Shadow, Harmony builds attack with leg attacks.Arena 1
LynxDemonic Power
Hidden Attack from clouds
Mark of the Order


NormalObtainable from Chests
MidnightNoon Stealth Transition Avoidance Method Abilities for Removal and Instant Relocation
Successful Experiment


NormalArena 1
EmperorCurse of the Emperor
Dark Creature
Assault of the Hunter
Pointed Ribcage
Spiked Element


Dynasty Hard Arena 7

Monkey King

King’s Staff
Heavenly Attack
Jingu Strike
Demonic Power


HardArena 1
deadly poisons
Explosive Toss
Planting Explosives


HeraldsNormalFight Pass 11

King of the Legion

Oath of Sacrifice
Shadow Dominion
Illusion of Darkness
ItuTime Manipulation
intelligent warrior
Spacetime Slash


HardRift Keys and Chests
Butcherlocks in Cattle Cage
Meat Hook


LegionEasyRift Keys and Chests
FireguardShadow Generator


Heralds NormalArena 1
KateLiquidator’s Daughter
Experienced Fighter


Legion Easy Default
Full list of Character

12 best characters in shadow fight arena


Helga removebg preview
  • Helga grew up in tower, and came to the throne without possessing any quality
  • She is the possessor off the Power of light
  • Being a unique legion emperor, she is the nightmare for anyone who tries to attack her with shadow energy.
  • Helga is known for her hitting the opponent with shining Dashes.
  • She is capable of low and ranged attacks, with long attacks hitting the shin of the opponent and ranged attacks with her smite shot.
  • She has an incredible fighting ability with her sword that strengthened with being more agile.


Kate removebg preview
  • She can end opponents of Shadow Energy and is known as a liquidator.
  • Her ability is considered to be passed by her father
  • Her fighting style includes special abilities and uses talents like swift and fierce fighting combat
  • She is also the true enemy destroyer like her father.
  • Fighting with her would make you tension-free if your opponent has shadow Energy.


kibo removebg preview
  • She will surely remind you of the fierce battle with shadow minds.
  • Despite losing the fight, she is the master of using the Shadow Onslaught Ability.
  • She uses mainly shadow Energy mixed with her attacks, in which she makes quick attacks and outsources the enemy.
  • Another ability is ranged Weapons attacks that keep on increasing with each attack
  • She is incredible with her katana attacks and launches them with perfection.
  • She is only able to use 1 shadow Energy at one time.


shadow fight 4 characters
  • He made an incredible entry in the tournament with his Katana and mysterious flask.
  • Ling, being the heralded hero, is skilled in making quick decisions and blends his attacks with real martial arts attacks.
  • He is also known for his strength, as he can withstand big attacks easily.
  • He has the accurate balancing technique that makes his victory sure.
  • Along with his Power, he understands the shadow energy correctly
  • At first, you would be surprised by his fast movements and basic slashes on the enemy.

Shang the monk

shang removebg preview
  • His shadow energy got boosted with every attack he gets on his body.
  • He accepts shadow mind as his God and worships him
  • He has the ability to be a true warrior who is fearless and has absolute Power.
  • He has the hunger for Power and can do anything for it.
  • He can produce Shadow Energy, and every attack on him makes him enter Shadow Form.
  • Every Enemy would get Paralyzed with their Ranged Attacks Ability.


Azuma removebg preview
  • He is also known as the neutralizer of shadow energy.
  • In order to avoid facing dark forces against him in competitions, he keeps on using his skills, special abilities and weapons against the enemy.
  • Consequence Management is when he makes the opponent lose his shadow Energy. He then enters his shadow Form with more health with him
  • The opponent loses most of his Energy, like the full shadow energy bar, when He attacks.


yukka removebg preview
  • For the purpose of fulfilling the need for an unifying leader without rulers, classes, or factions, Yuka emerged as the only one to do so.
  • She can end anyone who stops her idea of creating her utopia.
  • She can make the opponent for a long time
  • She makes use of her ranged attack to make a surprise attack on the opponent’s head.
  • She can regenerate all the attacks once she is in the Shadow Form you would have given her.


Marcus removebg preview
  • She is skilled in surprise attacks and also attacks with her huge sword very well.
  • She can become invincible, and that ends with an explosion, and in this time, she gains health back
  • The best time she attacks is when she is invincible and blocks the attacks while maintaining absolute control over her actions


Fireguard removebg preview
  • He is the creation of a research lab and is capable of creating unlimited shadow Energy.
  • He has the mysterious ability that any opponent is finished in his way.
  • He makes more damage while being in shadow Form and does it with Heating Engines.
  • In 20 seconds, he can be energetic again, and in shadow Form, he absorbs damage easily.


Emperor removebg preview
  • His life changes from being a very kind ruler to someone whom every child is scared of.
  • Being the Dynasty Hero, he is skilled and good in martial Arts.
  • He Enters the shadow Form with an explosion, and this explosion makes the opponent lose the ground
  • He makes an attack with the spike from his back that makes the opponent fall to the ground.


jet removebg preview
  • She has come from the future with a certain aim of being a savior for her people and ending shadow Mind.
  • She is incredible with long combos and can impress anyone with her abilities.
  • She can destroy enemies with sandstorm
  • She uses teleportation very well just after throwing weapons against the enemy.
  • She can easily gain energy with her ranged attacks
  • Her quick movements, along with leg attacks, make her unpredictable.


ironcload removebg preview
  • The best fighter with hands needs no weapons to threaten the enemy.
  • He adjusts very well to attacks on him and becomes more defensive
  • He can dominate the arena due to his stubborn nature.
  • Planning ranged weapons on Ironclad makes him even unbreakable and invincible for some time.
  • He restores all the health in shadow Form
  • The only way to make Ironclad lose is by using special abilities and ranged attacks constantly.


To make it easier for you to identify each character level in the game, we have provided character lists. Further, you can make your attack plan by analyzing the special abilities of each character and using the strategies mentioned previously. Further, the best and the weakest characters are also discussed, along with their background stories, skills, and weaknesses.


bulwark is considered to be the best character, as he has 42 trophies.
But the real thing is your skill.

Jack, being weak against Kibo and Ling, can also be easily defeated by any character having a good skill level and preciseness.

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